Monday, March 23, 2009

Vehicles at Victory

Hello again from Camp Victory; yup, still here. I thought I would share a few pics of the sights I get to see everyday. Its somewhat of a change from Nellis, where I get to see airplanes of all types, here I get to see helicopters, and not much else. Still, the "cool" factor of getting to see some of this stuff hasn't worn off yet. Enjoy the photos!

The ubiquitous UH-60 Blackhawk. I took this picture from one of the LZ's (Landing Zone) around the base. We do get a little excitement occasionally. Here are 2 V-22 Ospreys taking off from the base. There aren't very many of the tilt-rotors in country and the Marines are the only ones flying them operationally right now. They really are impressive, as fast as an airplane but with the ability to take off and land vertically.

I saw this MRAP the other day and just had to take a picture. "Have a Nice Convoy!"

Blackhawks at sundown. (My poor atempt at an "artistic" photo). Farwell for now!

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