Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In H.E.A.T.!

Today was a fun day here at ACST. We got familiar with the HEAT, or Humvee Egress Assistance Trainer. As you can see from the pictures, it's basically a Humvee compartment on a giant rotisserie. It was surprising how disorienting being upside down really is, even though you're still in the same position relative to everything else in the truck. We joked that you'd have to pay for a ride that fun at Disneyland! They rolled us completely around a couple times to get us familiar with how it felt, then they rolled it on it's side so we all got out through the turret. After that we got rolled totally upside down and had to climb out when upside down.

We finished the day with live fire on one of the rifle ranges here. We got to shoot pop-up targets (little green mannequins), so all in all a pretty fun, relatively relaxed day. Looking forwarad to tomorrow when we do night ops and get to play with night vision goggles!

1 comment:

  1. When do you get to come home? We thought training was only 2 weeks.
