Friday, January 30, 2009


So Patti and I were pondering a very zen-like question, and I'd like to open the topic for general discussion.

The question is, "What is the opposite of a potato?"

Please comment back with your submissions and provide reasons for your argument. I look forward to reading your responses.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Starting out

As the Bard once said, "start at the beginning, it's a very good place to start;" or was that from some movie, 10 points to whomever gets it (sts) first! After 8 years and 6 months in the Air Force, I've been told I get summer vacation! Even better, it's on a bright sunny, sandy beach, I can leave early and stay through the Fall, it's (almost) all expenses paid, and free air travel there and back. Well, I couldn't resist such an offer (really, I couldn't, I didn't have the option) so I said "what's the catch?" The "catch" is that this "beach" has no water, and it's in the middle of Iraq. Saw that one coming.

Really though, it should be an interesting trip, based on what I'll be doing. I'll go into that in a later posting if security allows me too. I was inspired by my good friend Joel's blog of his time in Iraq and thought I would share my trip with you. I leave soon for training in New Jersey (I wonder wat's more dangerous, Baghdad or Trenton?) and then it's off to Baghdad to work with the Iraq Assistance Group helping to transfer control of the country back to the Iraqi government.

I hope you enjoy reading about my time as I share it with you all.

"Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning"

Mike "Brain" McConnell